v11.2.5 Add VSD for Centrifugal Chiller (Engage) Measure. Include "kW Kicker" for Local Government Partnerships. Update minimum efficiency per Title 20. Disable "VSD for HVAC Fans" and Enable "VAV Retrofit or VSD Supply Fan Motors (Engage)". Show demand incentive on engineer calculations. Reduce 95% BEP flow restriction to 90% for Fan Sytem Upgrades. Add fax number to PGE application. Add peak deamnd incentive and estimated incentive totals to application. Show signature block on application if Payee is Sponsor. Add customer acknowledgement checkboxes to the Customer screen during application process and show results on application report. User can no longer click the checkbox in the application. Remove caching on SPC download page. v11.2.1 Remove peak incentive worksheet from SDG&E Market Transformation measures. Fix software crash if the report window isn't closed properly. Remove Crystal Reports files from the installation. Fix crash caused by entering a space at the end of an Engage measure name. Validate that a city has been selected before continuing from the peak incentive worksheet. Fix problems with split package AC and HP Engage measures. Fix typos on the Lighting Control measure report. Add support for additional proxy types when checking for new software versions. Add support for Cool Roof measures for SCE Partnership participants. Add new "Fan System Upgrades" measure. v11.2.0 Support for Institutional and Local Government Partnerships - Extend the selection of Utility to include program type - Handle Program Specific rates and caps - Use Program Specific legal language Tighter integration with Engage to ensure accurate and consistent results. - Removed Measures - A/C Economizers - High-Efficiency Packaged A/C or Chillers - Low Solar Heat Gain Coefficient Windows - VSD for Centrifugal Chillers - VSD for Cooling Tower Fan Motors - Added Measures - Air-Side Economizers (Engage) - High-Efficiency Chillers (Engage) - Low Solar Heat Gain Coefficient Windows (Engage) - VSD or Two-Speed Cooling Tower Fans (Engage) - H.E. Air-Cooled Split/Packaged A/C (Engage) - H.E. Air-Cooled Split/Packaged HP (Engage) Update all manuals. v11.1.1 Remove peak incentive worksheet from itemized measures. Fix the repair option when run from updater (SPC2009Update.exe). Update all manuals to the latest versions. v11.1.0 Ensure Compressed Air supported for Peak Demand Resolve issues with City Names and editing. v11.0.11 Package Units, Split Systems, and HP Removed from SPC Program under SCE, PG&E and SDG&E will continue to limit eligibility for these units to sizes over 63.3 tons for the SPC/NRR program. complete recalculations of kW Demand savings complete Peak Demand screen additions/modifications Resolve step-by-step labelling issues v11.0.7 Add step-by-step support for Pumping System Upgrades Change the way kW demand savings are calculated Add inputs to Peak Incentive sheet Fix Software download of latest version Fix Gas measure report Peak display issue v11.0.4 Update incentive rates: Lighting=$0.05/kWh, HVAC I=$0.15/kWh, Gas=$1.00/therm, Other=$0.09/kWh, HVAC II=$0.09/kWh, DEER kW=$100/kW Resize MotorDetail input fields to show complete labels at minimum screen size Energy Savings Calculator has a new window for creating, editing, and emailing measures. Multiple pop-ups are no longer used. Disallow illegal characters for a measure name. Added Financial Analysis to replace Simple Payback for all electrical measures Incorporate kW Peak Incentive Into Financial Analysis Tool Remove Peak kW Incentive worksheet screen for gas saving measures Allow decimal value for FL Power Factor % in the VSD for Process measure Allow more than 1 compressor for Compressed Air System Upgrades Change the description on the Peak Incentive Worksheet. v11.0.2 Adjust FATool Calculation and Industrial CustomerType selection Rearrange measure selection screen to improve readability SteamTrap Measure Incentive rate discrepancy AirCompressor VSD MinSpeed Percent focus change changes FL Capacity @ minSpeed regardless of text change Re-arranged Project selection list, sorted by Utility then application name Fix Total Window Area restriction for Low SHGC Windows measure Add DEER Incentive to Icentive Calculations sheet in report Add DEER Incentive worksheet to Energy Savings Calculator Handle application crash on generating an Installation Report of a measureless application. SDG&E Market Transformation - Wrong form loaded from Installation Report on edit Removed Cool Roof Measure from Engineering Calculations v11.0.1 WebService Version check unexpectedly closed application Step-by-step Financial Analysis checkbox needs label Standardize fonts for HTML control tables For SCE AC Unit Early Retirement eligibility changed to 2 tons or greater Customer and sponsor names not updating on Installation Report Form Changing the Discount Rate had no effect on the Financial Analysis Results in the reports KW displaying a zero value for Engage Measures Cool Roof Measure Ineligible in SPC Program Back and Next Button on Application edits not consistent Third Party Payee information missing from report v11.0.0 First public release of SPC2008 Clarification for full load efficiency fields New incentive rates Back button causes error The Engage building information was not loaded when editing Added Financial Analysis to replace Simple Payback for all electrical measures Change installer to work with new file layout Minor adjustments to the DEER peak functionality Add DEER Peak Incentive worksheet to Electical measures Migrate database update functionality into SPC2009 SPC2009.mdb not included in installation Change working directory location Create new 2009 software